
A quick Update

Almost two months have silently slipped by since I arrived in this unexpected land, a place that dwelled far beyond my thoughts and plans, hidden like a secret in the depths of my mind. I had been so singularly focused on a distant corner of the world that this destination seemed implausible. Yet, here I…

Embracing Change: My Journey to Self-Discovery on the Path of Life

Change can be a scary thing. Whether it’s starting a new job, getting married, or simply getting older, change can make us feel vulnerable and uncertain. But what if we looked at change as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery? That’s exactly what I did a few years ago when I found myself at a…

Are management decisions the worst enemy of an organization?

In some work environments, the decisions taken in the name of quality control measures do actually prevent workgroups from rectifying issues as they arise. The management proclaims that they focus on being compliant or streamlining the internal processes but the results state otherwise. This makes the situation worse and the issues would compound and spread…